Our Newsletter's

Welcome to
St. John's Episcopal Church
All are welcome!

Weekly Services

Weekday Services
Morning Prayer Rite II
Tuesday 10:00 a.m.
and on Facebook Live
Evening Compline
Weeknights 9:00 p.m.
on Facebook Live

Special Services
Lent with the Lutherans
March 16, 6:00 p.m. at St. James Lutheran Church
Exploring scripture and music at St. John's March 27, 5:30p.m. -
Welcome to St John’s Episcopal Church! We are a community of Jesus’ Way of Love in the heart of Waynesboro, Virginia. You are beloved by God and welcome in our midst.

What We Believe
We believe in loving God and our neighbor as the way that Jesus invites to those who follow him. We gather for worship, discipleship, fellowship and service in the hopes of strengthening our community from the heart of our parish out into the neighborhood of Waynesboro, Virginia, and beyond.
Christian Formation and Parish Life
Discipleship is an important aspect of our faith at St. John’s. We take to heart the many opportunities for study and growth that are offered here in our parish; and we invite you to join us in these spiritually, nurturing gatherings.

The Episcopal Church
We at St. John’s are among 3 million Episcopalians presently worshiping in the United States. We are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, numbering 60 million throughout the world.
A summary of our beliefs is found in the Book of Common Prayer.